Welcome 5 for 5’er!
This is a quick and easy ‘Mini Challenge’ to help spread awareness about injury prevention exercises and how SIMPLE it can be to follow specific exercises to protect your knees and future!
This challenge was originally designed for parents who wanted to help motivate their athletes to be proactive and protect themselves. We got such great feedback that we are running it again. This time, it’s not just for Parents and Players, but for anyone who wants to see what this type of training is like!
All you need is 5 Minutes, for 5 Days in a row!
When you join the Mini Challenge, you’ll receive an email each day with a password to access the video instructions for that day. There will be a new password for each day (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc).
The videos aren’t fancy…in fact, they are pretty raw…. I wanted to show you that you can do this at home and have fun with it! It doesn’t have to take up much of your day… you don’t have to go to an expensive training studio… you can do it on your own and get really great, effective results!
Are you ready???
Let’s Do This!!!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
To better protect your knees and future with the ACL Strong Injury Prevention training system, take the full course!
You’ll get 6 more weeks of training (only 3 days per week) with 30+ exercises!
Contact Us to find out when and how to register for ACL Strong!