Before and After

Do fit, healthy, competitive athletes need neuromuscular training?

When I met this fit, healthy, competitive athlete, he had complaints of chronic hip pain that “nobody could figure out” for years. He eventually gave up and accepted that he would deal with hip pain for the rest of his life.

He was told previously that he could never ride a horse again…by the way, he was a competitive rodeo athlete…imagine how he felt hearing that!

He began a 6 week regiment of neuromuscular training with ACL Strong, working on hip and core strength, balance and body control, and overall movement quality. Because he lived over an hour from my clinic, he did the exercises on his own at home, following my guidance.

When he came back to see me after 6 weeks, he had made incredible progress. His hip pain resolved, he felt better, and he could ride without repercussions. He went on to have one of the greatest returns to rodeo competition that shocked the other riders as he placed in the top tier night after night!

Watch the transformation here…

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