Dr. Leslie

Dr. Leslie Desrosiers, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Specialist, currently residing and operating a private physical therapy practice in San Marcos, CA. As an injury prevention specialist, Dr. Leslie and her team developed ACL Strong, an ACL injury prevention program, helping athletes and active people protect their knees and prevent major ligament injuries so they can excel in sports and add years to their career. She is a mom of two, enjoys an active lifestyle, and loves helping people with her knowledge and expertise.

Is Static Stretching Bad?

In recent years, dynamic stretching has gained recognition as the best stretching method to prepare for sports; but in the meantime, many people took this to mean that static stretching is “bad.”  Is static stretching truly bad? Does static stretching negatively impact performance? Should static stretching be avoided altogether? In this article, we discuss how …

Is Static Stretching Bad? Read More »

Amplify Your Warm-Up: How to Implement a Dynamic Warm-Up with Female Athletes to Prevent Injuries, Enhance Performance, and Catapult Their Career

How To Design a Dynamic Warm-Up To Help Female Athletes Prevent Injuries, Enhance Performance, and Catapult Their Career (Part II)

If female athletes are still starting practice with “two laps and static stretches”, it’s time to amplify their warm-up routine and set them up for success, not injury. Find out how to prevent injuries and enhance performance with a step-by-step dynamic warm-up, like professional coaches and trainers are doing with elite athletes. For many years, …

How To Design a Dynamic Warm-Up To Help Female Athletes Prevent Injuries, Enhance Performance, and Catapult Their Career (Part II) Read More »

Quick Guide for MCL Sprains

Do you have pain on the inside area of the knee after taking a direct hit to the side of your leg? Does your knee feel unstable or loose when you step sideways or pivot? If you’re having pain on the “medial”, or inside area, of your knee, an injury to the Medial Collateral Ligament, …

Quick Guide for MCL Sprains Read More »

What’s That Pain Under My Kneecap? Understanding Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome That dull, achy, throbbing, sometimes-sharp pain around the knee or kneecap that comes-and-goes based on activity might be a condition known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. Sometimes associated with cracking and popping, patellofemoral pain can range from not-so-bad to debilitating discomfort that causes people of all ages to avoid activities like walking, jogging, …

What’s That Pain Under My Kneecap? Understanding Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Read More »

ACL Re-injury: A College Athlete’s Journey through a Torn ACL…Not Once, But Twice

Sam’s Story: *Name changed to protect the identity of the athlete. It was early spring of 2020 and Sam was eager to prove herself on the soccer field in an off-season scrimmage against a neighboring university. She chased after a ball and attempted to evade an opponent. She planted her right foot and initiated a …

ACL Re-injury: A College Athlete’s Journey through a Torn ACL…Not Once, But Twice Read More »

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